Monday, March 25, 2013

Fancy Stuff Review #4: Giant Cupcake Pan

Yes, after two years of pressure and a charity ask from my team, I finally baked, not one, but THREE giant cupcakes.  All I have to say is the giant cupcakes are a giant pain in the... BUT they did look pretty cool and raised a total of $132 for just three cakes. If you're wondering what made them such a pain, I can narrow it down to two pain...
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Monday, March 11, 2013

Green Tea Cupcake

Tired of the Beer or Whisky Saint Patty's Day inspired fare? Why not mix up a new flavour that still stays true to the classic green coloured food hat your party guests have come to Green Tea Cupcakes! It's tasty, different and GREEN! For this treat you'll need... White Cake Mix (plus ingredients to make the cake...usually eggs, oil,...
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Monday, March 4, 2013

National Cupcake Day Fundraiser Success!

It's been one week since the BIG National Cupcake Day Fundraiser in support of SPCAs and Humane Societies across Canada.  Last week my team, M&M Sprinkles, held our final fundraising event - a bake sale.  We had an AMAZING number of baked goods donated and even managed to secure a last minute second bake sale with the remaining goods...
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