Sunday, November 27, 2011

Cute Cupcake Gift Ideas #1

It's hard to believe that in less than one month, December 25 will have been here and gone again.  I'm not sure if it's the first MAJOR snow fall we just had or the fact that I have less than 4 weeks of holiday shopping left, but I'm starting to feel a little panicked when I think all the holiday shopping and baking I have ahead of me

Holiday shopping and baking isn't always the most enjoyable, but I've seen, given and gotten some pretty cute cupcake gifts that are perfect for the cupcake lover on your list. So, to help you find or think of some great cupcake gifts, I'll be sharing some cute cupcake gifts to help you get started for the next four weeks.  Don't worry, I'll also be sharing some cupcake recipes that are great for the holidays.

The first obvious gift is the gift of ACTUAL cupcakes.  There are some great festive cupcake gift boxes that are designed for 2, 4, 6, and more cupcakes!  Use the smaller cupcake gift boxes for single gifts and the larger ones for holiday group gifts like work or holiday parties.  You can buy them at many craft shops like Micheal's and I've even seen them at Winners.

Don't have a lot of time to mess around with baking at this time of year?  Then fake them with some of my recipes!  To get all my recipes to date just click on the word "Cupcake" to the right in the Fancy Cupcake Cloud.  Maybe you'll want to fill your cupcake gift box with a fun summer cocktail inspired cupcake like a Piña Colada Cupcake, my next Faking Fancy Cupcake recipe post.


The Petit Cadeau on November 28, 2011 at 5:02 PM said...

You are such a great baking gifter!
Question: Do you gift baking to everyone, or do you select people who like baked goods. I always find a lot of people are a) on diets b) are picky eaters c) have food preferences/allergies. (see my post today about gifting co-workers). Would love for you to do a guest post for me about who to gift what on the baking front!

Faking Fancy Cupcakes on November 28, 2011 at 9:35 PM said...

Awh, thanks! I often select people who like baked goods and will usually bake their favourite! Luckily at this time of year all diets go out the window, so I rarely run into dieters, but picky eaters are definitely tricky and allergies are a big watchout! If I'm going somewhere that I don't know everyone, I'll usually ask the host if there are any allergies and/or avoid the biggies like peanuts and strawberries. I'd love to do a guest post! Chat soon Petit Cadeau;)

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