Monday, March 4, 2013

National Cupcake Day Fundraiser Success!

It's been one week since the BIG National Cupcake Day Fundraiser in support of SPCAs and Humane Societies across Canada.  Last week my team, M&M Sprinkles, held our final fundraising event - a bake sale.  We had an AMAZING number of baked goods donated and even managed to secure a last minute second bake sale with the remaining goods from our sale at a local sports centrethat evening. 

All in all we had a great time and raised over $1,500 for our local SPCA.  Big shout out to all of the team members of M&M Sprinkles and our baking supporters.

As for my bake sale goods, I served up three new flavours: Sangria Cupcake, Shirley Temple Cupcake and B52 Cupcake. Recipes coming this month from all my February baking excursions PLUS a Patty's Day inspired recipe too!


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