Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Calling All Cupcake & Animal Lovers!!

I have never needed an excuse to bake, but if I ever did need a compelling reason I've certainly found one!  As if National Cupcake Day (February 25) wasn't enough of a reason to preheat the oven...the day has now become a fundraiser for our furry friends!  That's right, the SPCAs and Humane Societies across Canada are using it to raise some much needed funds for all fuzzy friends, big and small, that have been abused, abandoned or are in need of help.

I'll be turning out some new Faking Fancy Cupcake recipes for this fundraiser and may even start a vote on what cupcakes to create.  I'll also be dragging some co-workers into a team and registering within the next few days! Check out their site at www.nationalcupcakeday.ca and get a team together for your workplace or friend group.  It's sure to be fun and delicious - plus it's for a great cause.

Stay tuned as we begin our countdown to National Cupcake Day!


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