My first day home started with me making the biggest batch of cream cheese icing I've ever made in my life! The only glitch when I was making the icing, was not realizing how high the mixer was on when I stopped it so that when I turned it on after adding icing sugar, I ended up wearing a lot of it. But that was more hilarious than disastrous.

So I'm sure by now you're wondering what was so terrible about the final end product - the wedding cake. Especially since all of this all sounds only slightly insane. I have to admit, all of the events leading up to said wedding cake also had me thinking that the next day was going to be a breeze, so foolish of me...but you'll just have to wait for the Part III installment to hear just how brutal it was. Your only hint is Tropical Storm. But before I post Part III, my next post will be the simple recipe for Cake Truffles - a delightful treat I had never heard of until the lovely RL brought them to a Frisbee practice. So stay tuned for the simple recipe and Part III of Faking Fancy Wedding Cakes(?).
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