It was a labour filled Labour Day weekend for me this year, complete with a wedding cake mixing and baking marathon. Before my wedding cake marathon began, I was feeling pretty prepared; despite NEVER having made a cake that big EVER in my life. My husband's aunt had dropped off all the pans I needed, complete with her Cake Bible lovingly duct taped together for further baking back-up (thanks SR). My mother had picked up "all" the necessary ingredients to bake multiple layers of red velvet cake. My father had arranged for me to use the industrial mixer to help mix the MASSIVE amount of batter. I was set, but even the best laid plans have their hiccups...
But before I share the kink in my smooth plan of attack, here are a few important facts you need to know...
- Time slot available in kitchen to use industrial mixer = 7am - 8am
- Number of hours of sleep before heading to kitchen = 4.5 hours...if that - thanks for the coffee TB
- Discovery of BIG problem = 6:30am
As I mentioned earlier, my mother had picked up all the ingredients for the cake. You see I don't live in the Province where the cake was being made, so I wasn't able to do it myself. But there isn't really anything overly complicated required, just some cake mixes, eggs, oil, buttermilk, bittersweet chocolate and red gel food colouring. Now it's not everyday that you need red gel food colouring, but I had left a sample container with my mother before I left to head back to the Maritimes. Seems pretty easy, but apparently it looks just like red gel letter piping - I love you Mom!

As you can imagine, the RED part of the red velvet cake is kind of important. And this is where I owe a huge THANK YOU to the amazing crew at Michaels! At 6:45am a security guard answered the phone and he, along with the early morning crew who were just arriving to work, bailed me out of a BAD situation. Long story short, I got my extra jars of red gel food colouring, the batter was mixed, the dishes were washed and I was out the door on time with all my red batter ready to be baked!
For those of you wondering how the baking of the cakes went...well, they look good. I have them frozen in my parents freezer and will be heading back in just a few short days to ice, decorate and assemble the thing before the big day. Let's hope I don't discover that they taste terrible and have to arrange a late night baking session at the 11th hour. Wish me luck and stay tuned for
Part II of my Faking Fancy Wedding Cakes adventure!
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