Monday, February 14, 2011

Fancy Stuff Review #1 - Flower Power!

I have decided that I should have started this blog long ago cuz it just got me a free pan!  Well, kinda free...ok, it was a gift from two good friends of mine (shout out and BIG thank you to MM and NC).  But the gift was inspired by my blog, so it counts:) 

So here it is, my new flower power cupcake pan - love it!  And do you know why...because you can make fancy cupcakes with even less work than lots of my faking fancy cupcake ways.  I mean how much fancier can you get than a shaped cupcake.  You don't even need icing....but that would be foolish because icing is delicious and you should always have a sugary topping on all cupcakes!

There are lots of fun shaped pans out there so feel free to experiment or just send them my way and I'll gladly use them.  Also (shameless plug) I've never used a silicone cupcake pan and have no thoughts on them...YET;)  But for now I will continue to use my metal pans and the next cupcake recipe to be featured is the classic childhood favourite... Peanut Butter and Jelly Cupcake.


Joanne said...

I have a Wilton 'Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes' pan but I cannot get the cupcakes out in one piece! Because of the detail in each mold, I can't use liners.
Do you have any suggestions on how to avoid this frustrating issue?
Thanks Cyra!

Faking Fancy Cupcakes on May 10, 2011 at 9:17 PM said...

Hi Joanne! That is REALLY frustrating! I have three tricks that might help you out:)

1. Since you can't use a liner, I'd trace out the bottom of the cone onto some parchment paper (the greatest invention EVER!), cut it out, and place it on the bottom of the cone. Of course I'm assuming you have the pan that makes the flat bottom stand-up cone. So let me know if you have a different pan.

2. Although your pan is probably non-stick, I'd still grease it up! Instead of using a spray, I'd use the wrapper from your butter to get into every nook and cranny.

3. Don't wait too long after they come out of the oven to take them out of the pan. I'd wait around 15 minutes and then try to get those suckers out of there. To get them out, take your cooling rack and place it directly over your pan and flip it right side up in a smooth motion. Feel free to tap the bottoms a little to coerce them out of the pan. Also, having the parchment paper bottom will definitely help them stay unstuck and get them out easier.

Let me know if you've tried all of this already and I'll put more thought into your dilemma:) Also, if I am thinking of the wrong pan, just let me know.

Good Luck!

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