Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Quick Tip #2 - Fast and Mess-Free Batter Pouring Thinger

I don't know about you, but I'm not always the most tidy baker.  I get especially messy when it comes to pouring my batter into the cupcake pan liners.  I usually start off pretty good, being extra careful as I spoon in the batter.  But after filling 4 or 5 cupcake pan liners in a row, I start to get lazy and sloppy!  It gets especially bad when they are the baby cupcakes that are near impossible to fill without pouring half of it on to the sides of the cupcake pan making for wasted batter or burnt on specs.

For those of you who feel my pain, I have a simple and cheap solution.  It's used for making chocolate, but I use it for batter filling.  From what I can tell it has a few different names, but I think the most common name is a chocolate easy pour funnel.  Here's a picture so you know what you're looking for, - I got it at Bulk Barn. It's really easy to use, reduces the amount of spillage onto your pan, and makes baby cupcakes extra quick and easy to fill.  All you do is fill the funnel with your batter, place the funnel over the cupcake liner, pull up on the little lever to get the batter flowing, and push the lever back down when you've filled it as far as you want.  If you're baking alone, place the funnel in a bowl or large measuring cup to make the filling of the funnel a little more manageable.

I used this trick for my Chocolate Orange Blossom Cupcakes which is my next recipe to be featured!


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